Sunday 4 September 2016

      Remains of a missing boy since 1989                    of 'Minnesota' were found.

               Almost 27 years after abduction of 11 year old 'Jacob Wetterling' in 'Minnesota', a long trail of investigation appears to be near its end.

                    The Sterns County Sheriff's Office confirmed this Saturday evening that the Wetterling's remains have been found in central Minnesota. The Ramsey County Medical Examiner and a forensic dentist identified Wetterling's remains earlier in the day.

                    More detailed information is expected to be provided early next week, while Investigators and Prosecutors are "reviewing and evaluating new evidence", in the investigation, according to sheriff's office. Also a "person of interest" in the case cooperarted in the investigation.

                    Jacob's mother 'Patty Wetterling' told the KARE-TV, Minneapolis this Saturday morning that her son's remains have been found, and said "All I can confirm is that Jacob has been found and our hearts are broken. I am not responding to any media yet as I have no words."

                                 Jacob was kidnapped shortly after 9 p.m. on the night of October 22 1989, after he and his brother, Trevor of 10 years old, and best friend Aaron Larson of 11 years, rode their bikes to a Tom Thumb store not far from the family's rural home in St. Joseph to rent a video.

                    As they headed home, a 'Masked Man' with a 'Gun' appeared on the remote dirt road leading to the Wetterling house, told the boys to lie face down in a nearby ditch and asked each his age. He then ordered Trevor and Aaron to run towards the woods and not look back. When the boys did, Jacob and the 'Masked Man' were gone.

                No one has ever been charged in the case.

                        Patty Wetterling (mother of Jacob Wetterling) said that she and her family "are heartsick" and referred media to a statement posted to the 'Jacob Wetterling Resource Center' website.

                                       That statement said in part: "We are in deep grief. We didn't want Jacob's story to end this way. The Wetterlings had a choice to walk into bitterness and anger or walk into a light of what could be 'A Light of Hope'. Their choice changed the world. "Our hearts are heavy but we are being held up by all of the people who have been a part of making Jacob's 'Hope' a light that will never be extinguished. Jacob, you are loved"

                        The "person of interest" in the case, 'Danny Heinrich', has been in federal custody since late October, after authorities arrested him on charges of receiving and possessing 'Child Pornography'. Some of the material featured children under age of 'Twelve'.

                       The 'Child Pornography' case against Daniel James Heinrich of 52 years old, began building last Summer, while authorities searched his home looking for evidence in Jacob's abduction and a separate kidnapping and sexual assault involving a 12 year old boy in nearby Cold Spring nine months before Jacob disappeared.

                       Heinrich has been held in 'Sherburne County Jail' without bail while his federal case progresses.


 Heinrich, who lived in Paynesville, about 30 miles southwest of St. Joseph, at the time of Jacob's abduction, was first questioned by investigators soon after it happened, and several times in 1990. He said at that time that he was not involved in the case, said by Authorities.

               Authorities said that when they searched Heinrich's home, they found nothing connecting him to Jacob. 

At that time, however, they found 19 three-ring binders containing numerous images of 'Child Pornography', Authorities said. They also added that the binders included pictures of some known child victims. 'Child Pornography' was also found on Heinrich's computer hard drive.

When Authorities arrived at Heinrich's house with a search warrant, he described himself as "a dirty old man", but denied creating pornography or sharing it with anyone, according to federal agent who testified in court.

None of the charges allege that Heinrich distributed pornography.

Court documents say his 'Shoes' and 'Car' tires were "consistent" with tracks left near site of Wetterling's abduction, but couldn't be ruled an exact match. Authorities also searched the home where Heinrich lived with his father at the time and found 'Scanners', 'Camouflage clothing' and 'a picture of a boy wearing underwear'.

Heinrich's attorney didn't respond to emailed requests for comment Saturday.

U.S.Sen. 'Amy Klobuchar', D-Minn, who worked with PAtty Wetterling on legislation related to missing children, referred to Patty as a friend.

"I have seen firsthand her extraordinary advocacy for children and how she turned her grief into action." Klobuchar said in a statement. "The Wetterling family and all who knew and loved Jacob are in our hearts today."

Stearns County Chief Deputy Bruce Bechtold and County Attorney Janelle Kendall declined to comment Saturday morning.

Bechtold is the 'Lead' investigator in the Wetterling case.

Messages left for Sheriff John Scanner were not immediately returned.

The FBI would not confirm any details regarding the matter, said Kyle Loven, chief division counsel at the Minneapolis Office. 

--Patty and Jerry Wetterling show a photo of their son 'Jacob Wetterling', who was abducted in October 22 of 1989, a child who was missing, only to be discovered in remains after 27 years. Jacob's parents have never felt so heartbroken. 'Patty Wetterling' went on and became 'National Advocate for Children' and with her husband 'Jerry Wetterling' founded the 'Jacob Wetterling Resource Center' which works to help 'Communities' and 'Families' prevent 'Child Exploitation'.--

In 1994, Congress passed a 'Law' named after Jacob Wetterling that requires states to establish 'Sex Offender Registries'

--Officials with the 'Jacob Wetterling Resource Center' posted a statement on its website this Saturday, saying they were in "deep grief."--


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